Winter Sale 2025

Our annual clearance is nearing completion and the central table is piled high with bargains galore. Join us as we re-open for the New Year on Tuesday January 14th at 10.00am Christmas decorations, end of lines, few remaining, odds and ends, bits and bobs, its an...
Christmas 2024 at TOH

Christmas 2024 at TOH

Can you believe that this is our 13th Christmas at The Old Haberdashery? We have had such a brilliant lead up to Christmas. The shop has been filled with lots of amazing things and lots of amazing customers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who...

January Sale

Our Sale is now on! Its the time of year when we clear the decks of a few things. Our central table is full of ends of lines, Christmas decorations, one offs, slight seconds, homewares, cards and gifts. Sale will run for at least a week. Come and grab a genuine...

Summer 2023

I don’t think the shop has ever been as full as it is right now! So many things to choose from. Come visit us this Summer. There is so much in our local area to keep you here for more than just a few hours. Combine a visit to us with a few of the gems...

Christmas at The Old Haberdashery

We are all ready for you here at TOH. Cards, decorations, paper, candles, gifts, soaps, and everything else you didn’t think you needed. We hope you like what we’ve chosen this year. We try to be as useful as possible.  Our opening hours are extended in...

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